Venus is not known for taking her time. She moves quickly through the zodiac staying in a sign for, usually, no more than 3-4 weeks. She connects quickly and relates even quicker but as Venus leaves behind free-spirited and non-committal Sagittarius and enters structured and dependable Capricorn, she is going to have to slow down and consider herself in the long term….. the very long term.
On November 5th, Venus will move into the cardinal earth sign for the 2nd time in 2021 but she won’t be leaving Capricorn until March 5th, 2022 making this Venus in Cap experience long-term focused in every way possible.
But why is Venus spending so much time in Capricorn, you may ask? This is due to her retrograde which will begin on December 19th and her journey backward will keep her in this structured energy field for longer than we may be comfortable with.
Venus Retrograde aside, Venus does not fair particularly well in Capricorn and it’s no wonder as Capricorn does not have the reputation of being romantic or taking pleasure in anything other than success and recognition.
However, as Venus rules value and money, this will be a good place for her to be for the next several months in the way of becoming more financially responsible and more realistic about our relationship goals. During this time we may begin to value mutual respect and commitment rather than affection and intimacy and depending on your natal chart, this can be refreshing or it could simply be unsatisfying, even lonely.
Those with Venus in Capricorn value hard work and enjoy seeing their loved ones win and succeed but they may have issues showing love in deeply connecting ways and run the risk of scaring people off by how long it takes to bond to them due to their general distrust of others.
During this time, it is best to reevaluate your relationships with others especially those that are long term and commited, especially as Juno, the asteroid of marriage and long term partnership enters Capricorn only a week after Venus so take a look at how much energy you are giving to these people and are you receiving the same energy back? Are you respected? Are they upholding their end of the bargain?
Restructuring may need to take place and at this time, these necessary adjustments may actually increase your connection and strengthen your bonds for years to come…. if you do the work.