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The AstroMedium: Full Moon in Leo 2022

Writer's picture: ChrystopherChrystopher

On February 16th, the moon in Leo will form an exact opposition to the sun in Aquarius at 27 degrees which is a very special degree point and while the energy surrounding any Leo full moon will have a dramatic flair, this lunation promises to be one of the most epic moon phases of 2022.

This full moon acts as an activation point similar to the full moon in Gemini at 27 degrees which opposed the sun and it’s conjunction to the Galactic Center and while the galactic center energy will deliver upgrades, the most important activation comes from Pluto at 27 degrees of Capricorn & Rahu (North Node) at 27 degrees of Taurus.

Darker tones permeate as the moon forms a confusing quincunx to Pluto, intensifying emotional reactions & unearthing even more fears from the unconscious & subconscious minds.

Currently, Pluto is receiving major support from Rahu in the form of a trine that goes exact within a day of this passionate full moon and this lunation calls that energy of death and rebirth right into your emotional body where the shadow self may get a little too close for comfort.

But don’t you see the divine potential to transform, awaken, let go and step into your power? This, of course, is happening for you at an individual level but this process deeply affects the entire collective, especially the United States as a whole due to the US Pluto Return going exact synchronistically on 2/22/2022. Can you see the signs?

And just when you thought it couldn’t get more intense…. enter Black Moon Lilith! The dangerous succubus that lives deep within your subconscious mind, waiting for you to let go of control and release her with a fiery vengeance.

Lilith represents independence and the ability to withstand abuse and sexual trauma as a means to survive. But she also represents the communion between the divine feminine and primal savage, calling you toward liberation & independence.

Asteroids Ceres and Pallas are also having difficult conversations with the moon so being strategic & responding with compassion will propel you much further than reacting out of fear. Inner child work, heart chakra meditations, re-parenting techniques and shadow work are all ways to use this energy well.

The world is changing, you are changing at an atomic level. You are purging and releasing densities and old karmic contracts that are no longer a match the person you‘re transforming into. Let go of the need for control, catch yourself when you are seeking attention because you need validation from others and understand that this moon is in the sign that is ruled by the sun.

A light is being cast into the dusty recesses of your psyche and instead of fearing what lies in the dark, tune into your heart and like a child, be curious and non-judgmental for that lighter, more joyful feeling you’re craving is just on the other side of this process.

My moon is in Leo in the 1st house! What’s your moon sign? Let me know!




thank you!

©2024 by Chrys Kyng

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