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The AstroMedium: Full Moon in Gemini 2021

Writer's picture: ChrystopherChrystopher

On December 18th & 19th, the moon in Gemini will oppose the Sun in Sagittarius and our last full moon of the year occurs just days before the winter solstice and the shift from the nodal Gemini/Sagittarius axis into the Taurus/Scorpio axis when the North Node moves into Taurus on the 22nd.

Although this is not a lunar eclipse, the energies are so strong it could feel like one and although all full moons can feel restless & emotionally heightened, this full moon delivers an extra dose of anxiety as Gemini rules the mind so much of what we will be feeling may rush straight to the brain.

Because Gemini energy is the focus, our attention must turn toward Mercury who will be focused and determined in Capricorn at this time, helping us to make sense of these changes. However, a square to Chiron can leave us wounded by words and seeing things through the lense of our trauma rather than our truth.

Speaking of Chiron, the asteroid named of the wounded healer will station direct and enter RetroShade within hours of this powerful lunation, bringing a turning point in our healing journey and shifting our focus toward growth and self-acceptance.

This growth will be abundantly magnified by Jupiter, the star of this full moon experience as he makes a harmonious trine to the moon and a supportive Sextile to the the sun.

But watch out for tension in relationships as this full moon tensely activates the conjunction between Pluto & Venus just in time for Venus to station retrograde so relationships are being sent to the chopping block and this full moon gives you the confidence to move forward without them with faith and optimism.

The extra sweet cherry on top of this double mint cupcake is that this full moon occurs in exact alignment with the galactic center, so this full moon has the power to boost your manifestation abilities as you download new frequencies and level up in your ascension process.

This full moon will occur in the 6th house of my natal chart! Which house is it lighting up for you?




thank you!

©2024 by Chrys Kyng

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